I bear the cruel scars of unrequited love upon my arm
From minor slits to gaping wounds
The world outside me never knows the pain I feel
When each person I meet adds their cut to my arm
Why do I let them hurt me so?
So I will remember them, their faces, their names
When they, just like everyone else, fade away into nothingness
I can look upon their mark
You say I do this to myself
But look again:
It is not my hand that holds the knife to my wrist,
but the hands of those I love
Who leave their scars upon my heart
When they leave me
And you, too, will leave me
When you finish reading, your life moves on
No one ever stops to think how painful it is for me to see you go
So here is the knife:
will you leave a slit upon my arm
or stay with me a while?
Beautifully Sad!
Hey i love u poem it descibes alot of what i feel sometimes to