It Sucks

A New Era

It sucks.

To be so knocked down in life.

That you just wanna die. 

You constantly think about killing yourself.

A handful of sleeping pills...No pain! 

Peaceful sleep...Just won't ever wake up again.

Think about this shit every day.

Every fucking day.

It sucks.

But I'd rather embrace death...

Than to keep going. 

I'm tired of trying.

I'm tired of trying to be happy...

Cuz every fucking time I find some form of happiness.

It gets stripped away from me. 

It sucks.

But I fucking give up.

Fuck this poem.

Fuck myself.

Fuck even living this life.

I'm done with it all. 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

November 21, 2021

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SSmoothie's picture

Great rant you can feel the

Great rant you can feel the powerful emotions at play and the despair. Pain often brings profound insights. I am so sad that you are feeling anything like this. Happiness is fleeting but better fleeting than not at all. If happiness lasted it woukd become mundane and none would want it. Its tough but I'm sure you are tougher. So glad to hear from you. Tight  Hugss and prayerss always xx

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

C03ru135c3n7's picture

Stephen's comment is very

Stephen's comment is very profound, and I, too, add my own opinion that you should follow his advice.  His metaphor is very apt---it does smooth out.  I am sixty-three, half paralyzed from the waist down and chairbound, due to a spinal injury sustained almost two years ago to the day.  But, spiritually and emotionally, I am happier than I have ever been.  The bottom fell out, for me, in 1981---I came out of college jobless, directionless, and alone, due to my then fiancee's treachery.  I wanted to give up, which seemed easier.  Our whole existence is a moving forward, even though sometimes that movement may seem backward, or sideways.  It is like watching the planets move across the nighsky---sometimes they move in retrograde, and sometimes they briefly stand still, but they are still moving; and the retrograde and standstill positions are merely issues of perspective.  Like Stephen said, it smothes out.  The planets continue to move forward on their orbits even though it may appear, to the human eye, as a temporary retrograde.  
