My Beauty Within

I stare at myself in the mirror

trying to figure out what you see in me

I see nothing special

I only see flaws

I'll fix my hair and make-up

And try to find beauty in me

I hear the phone ring

I hurry to answer it, hoping it's you

We talk as I still look in the mirror

Still trying to figure out what you see in me

Then I think of what I see in you

I'm not in love with the beauty you have outside

But your beaut on the inside

I ask you to hold on a second

And I put the phone down,

I mess my hair up

And wash off the make-up

That's when I realize what you see in me

I realize why you look deep in my eyes

You see my beauty within

The beauty that no on else sees

No matter all my flaws

You look past them

You see the love and beauty I have within

I look in the mirror once more

And smile because I have you

I turn and walk away

Knowing how lucky I am

Because like so very few

You see my beauty within

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Noelle S's picture

ok, this one is really really good, i really like it, is that a true story? did you really do that?