Run Through The Jungle


The streets are empty, shadows now reign

Supreme in the kingdom of pleasure and pain

Abandoned old houses sporadically placed

The lingering smell leaves a smoke aftertaste

Their burnt out hulls providing the cover

Where homeless and crackheads claim coke as their lover

The alleys and gutters littered with trash

Liquer bottles purchased with hard to find cash.

Prostitutes smile at cars as they pass by

Licking their lips and displaying some thigh

Their only desire is how much they make

While the boss shares their cut with the cop on take.

Bars on the windows of neighborhood stores

Motion Detectors and chains on the doors

It depends on which part of the jungle you tread

Don the wrong color and you may end up dead.

The colors define as the membership grows

Boundaries exist yet the bloodshed still flows

A car driving by with no headlights at night

A driveby's an imminent, ominous sight.

Shots in the distance at night can be heard

Scores being settled with nary a word

Another one dies, another is jailed

Another reminder the system has failed

The suburbs thought not far from this place

All march to the beat with a whole different pace

The team that plays here learns to pounce on the fumble

Even the beast has to run through the jungle.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My Brother's Personal Favorite. 2004

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forgeteden's picture

This one is pretty good, it has a really nice flow to it. And it makes alot of sence.