You are a star in the sky
A bright and shining thing that gives off light to help me see
A glow that wishes to defy the darkness around it, but often struggles to do so..
You are a passionate being--full of vigor and life, conflicting with the aura of death surrounding
Fighting to be more than death, wishing to obtain more than what the bottomless pit offers us
But alas, it embraces you without mercy, without compassion
Preferring to hide such a wonderful glow--such a lovely and harmless child
Preferring to be the selfish, cold thing that it always is
And hide your warm soul from us all.
But I prefer not to look at what was, or even what is
I look towards what will be,
I look past the darkness and the pain
I look through the bloodshed and the rain
I look over what they have done to us, and what they are doing to us
I look past this illusion called the world, and past these obstacles called evil
I look above the earth and it’s fruitless affairs
Because we are taller than the earth itself; we are at eye level with the stars.
Let us join hands
Let us become fluid and great together.
Let us share ourselves with each other in every way that is true and good and lovely
So I can look inside your delightful soul,
So I can know you in every way that is,
So I can show you what freedom is really like
And prove to you, my darling
That you are truly something beautiful.
This poem touched me so deeply, it has me sitting here makes me think of all those the enemy of our souls has hindered, yet they shine on...& in my own health limitations, it inspires me to press on, & keep seeking to be used in whatever ways I can be, even with the things the Lord has allowed to occur in my life...even as He fills me with hope & faith for persevering through to the other side...
...I can feel your love pouring through your heart, out through the words that are so full of commitment, & especially a commitment to see her through the Lord's eyes...
Thanks for sharing such a personal, powerful writing, it has truly touched me, & I intend to share it with the women in my e-mail support group for those serving & loving the Lord despite struggles with Fibromyalgia & other health conditions...I hope that's ok with you!
{If not, feel free to let me know...I'll include the link to your poems here, of course!)
I would really love your feedback on what I've posted (so far) I'm new here, so don't have much posted yet, but will continue to add more, as I'm able...based on what I've read of your writing, so far, I beleive anything you have to say, in critquing my work, would be beneficial...(but be gentle, I've rarely shared my poetry, so it makes me kinda nervous, but I'm doing it in obedience to the Lord's leading.)
God bless,