In the early light of day,
I talk with you and feel ok.
In the evening when I am feeling blue,
I hear your voice and it always sooths.
I'm so glad you take the time,
Telling me it will be fine.
I want you to know I have no doubt,
For if not for you I would be without.
My heart has felt so much with you,
In all you have tried to do.
You're special, kind and loving to,
And most of all I believe in you.
Your stronger and wiser in so much I've come to know,
And I just want you to know I admire you so.
I have to remind myself everyday,
You're helping me, guiding me and showing me the way.
Although at times I seem so hard to reach,
I want to learn and have you teach.
Making mountains out of molehills is what you say I do,
I get lost and frighten and lonely to.
You have a way to bring me around,
And I try not to let you down.
I want so much to feel brand new,
And I must believe it will come true.
I want you to know I am here for you too,
Anytime, anywhere, I'll be there for you.
For I believe our friendship is strong,
Thank you for helping me feel I belong.
Please hear me friend and always remember.
I will love and cherish you now and forever.