I could fall apart, I could go completely dead inside
I could freeze away all the tears I could have cried
I could go to sleep intending to never wake up again
the life inside me could die and my rainbow could end
in a split second everything could change you see
and it would kill my heart and it would murder me
tell me it isn't so, tell me that I won't have to really say goodbye
cause I don't think I could speak, I would fall to the floor and die
my world would fall apart
and I would stop breathing
I would go numb inside
my heart would stop beating
I would just collapse on the floor
I wouldn't be able to even cry
and even though physically I'd be alive
deep inside of me I would just die
I would never be able to feel anything again
the blood wouldn't be able to pump my heart
I wouldn't be able to feel anyone's touch again
the pain would be too great, my world would fall apart
my world could stop turning and spinning around
my sky would collapse and fall to the ground
the pain wouldn't be erasable, whiteout would never fix it
there would be permanent damage to me I might just quit
happiness would no longer be tangible like it has before
I would just be totally empty with no reason to live anymore
I would just burn in hell alive for eternity here on earth feel the flames burn me
and now death would mean nothing because I am already dead, as dead as can be
and maybe I'll get out of bed every day
and maybe I'll try to go on in the best way
but every minute I'll just die over and over again
thats the way the cycle goes when love has to end
breathing becomes the only thing that makes you still alive
because without you I have no will to go on and still survive
dying will become my hobby, I'll do it for a living now
they say I would get over you but I do not understand how
This poem is wow. I mean wow as in oh my goodness I have no words to describe the feelings in this poem, awsome job