I was empty without you
with nothing i could do
I was empty when i met you
but you made me feel full
I was empty when i was with you
always feeling sad
I felt like there was nothing to fill my emptyness
I thought you were the answer
but instead you took what little love i had
and used it against me
Why couldnt i see you were gonna hurt me?
My quest to find happyness and fufillment is through
Theres nothing more i can do about the emptyness cause by you
I was empty without you with nothing i could do
I was empty when i met you
it was all a lie
a pointless thing
You'll never know how much emptyness one can bring
At points of time and reason when all loses a thought in the power of hope, many things can sprout from it's remains. This piece that you have written has given me some inspiration in some of my works. I thank you for that.