I once said "love does not exist"
I was wrong and doubtful of what
we are,
We can love, because we are love,
out of love we were created by him
who loves us the most
Each one of us struggles every day,
it is hard not to be hateful of everything,
to single out particular things for our problems,
But we can choose to think differently,
we can choose to believe in meaning,
to treat others like actual human beings
Without love there is no meaning,
because love is meaning,
hate is the destruction of that meaning
Without him, we are just empty shells,
just nihillists, going through the motions
with no real understanding for why we
should even be alive.
Look around you, do you not feel the hate?
do you not feel the suffering? These impressions
on our consciousness, can we not change this?
Why should we give in so easily? why not resist
this evil and show strength?
Without him, there is no evil, there is no good,
no spiritual bases for why things happen the
way they happen, it all seems so absurd.
It is easy to give in to egoism, moral relativism, etc
because you feel like nothing matters anyways,
so why not just live life as you choose?
"Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law"
When you take your head out of the sand
and stop ignoring the negative force, you can actually see how it has
taken control of your very life, how the devil has gained a strong foot hold
All because of doubt, and the lack of will do what is necessary,
so much easier it is to give in to the parasitic influence of the world,
He becomes your god,
you just don't realize it until its too late.
All that doubt sucks at your being like a leech,
you feel dead inside,
you feel hopeless, in the darkest hole of dispair,
all because you think it doesn't matter
The evil is there, so acknowledge it and exorcise it from yourself,
pray to christ to expel the parasite from your system,
cleanse the negative energy,
fill your heart with love and always keep on your guard for hate
Or otherwise continue to be a slave to him who controls the world,
only the son of man can help you transcend this material mockery;
he is your key and your door, surrender yourself and stop trying to find
another way, because there is no other way but through him.
He is "the way though truth and the light"