
Deviant behaviour of a caged mind

Role reversal of society

The pen was once mightier than the sword

Where is all the ink?

Common conception of ignorant bliss

Idiocy greater than the brain

Those who know, know what is needed?

Organic vegetables?

Trapped little bird, desperate to fly

Mozart working telesales in 200 years

Vogue magazine for those who don't matter

Medication for those who do

Get in line! Wear your suits!

The rats are on the starting line

Independence is a ringtone bought

Hows your four by four?

So this is life, this is fun?

Apathy is the new black

Armani styled suicide scars

I'll take mine in blue

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I guess this poem became a kind of angst ridden rant about how things dont seem to work in the world. Written in about 10minutes, so please say what you think.

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Tina Lee's picture

Hey David,
I can imagine a modern day mozart daydreaming in his cubicle.

Great poem - reminded me of one i wrote called Modern Life

perception's picture

Really enjoyed this poem especially the first and last stanzas. The first sort of has this feeling of helplessness to me. Finding out for the first time that life isnt what you've been promised. And the ending, to me reminds me of all the teen girls today who wear thier scars as a fasion statement (oh look at me I'm so deppressed) but also sort of has this deep feeling that all of us are hurting. I'm sure I'm reading everything into this, but that IS what I love most about art- its subjectivity.

lizzurdbeth's picture

lol, great poem. nice flow and unique style of words. i really like that line about "the pen mightier than the sword but where's the ink!"
you will do great if you keep up the good work!
thnx for writing such a great poem,

Robert C Millar's picture

Nice Poem