Toss away the cold stance of fear with
Yellow clumps of scattered chamomile.
Neglected cities sour the air
and Terror smiles with indignation.
You will recognise it,
annihilating the past with an
infernal glee and murderous eye.
With a gracious nerve,
You too will revisit yourself,
Your hiding place,
where you will converse with
Shadows that are tall and
Deep words spoken with care.
This generations prophecies
reckon with androgynous nightmares.
The charm of Orpheus
Cannot lay to rest the
Ineradicable fear of knowing death
that burns and sickens.
I know death, consumed with desire
He needs to be loved.
Wipe away the sweet earth
from your tender mouth.
Somebodie's done for.
I like this poem very much and idea is really rich and inspiring...its mature theme..which shows that you have much ability to write more and more poems...god bless you junior fried and thanks for your comments if you do to mine too.... sure I will be your friend and we discuss ideas.. hope you keep my famous say with you and to pass on to your friends ..ei ((( a friendly smile is the best weapon of war to fight with... afzal shauq))) hope never stop writing and comments too...looking foraiwrd for your sweet words ro hear and see..