True To Yourself

you say i change

that im not the girl you're use to

yet i see no difference just a brave individual

theres a need to be true to myself

i just cant play a part

and i wont pretend to be someone that im not

lost in the reflection of a man

i need my own spot to stand

blinded by lust, fictional love

its time i wake up jump back into reality

theres a need to be true to yourself

learning and growning from what you've failed

careful not to lean so hard on someone else



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a.griffiths57's picture

True to yourself:


A very good poem. I agree with you if a relationship is not working out, to be brave and honest and straighforward is the course to take.

Emunique's picture

thanks :-)

i appreciate the feedback 

 && some rather lose love than to move on not even knowing what it feel like &