The sun descends and the day blackens,

Like the last scene of a disturbed dream,

Fading away into eternity.

No birds flutter in this dreary land,

Yet we stay on, like robots,

Programmed to function,

Performing our tasks with mechanical humdrum;

Devoid of peace of mind and rest of body,

It is no longer "to be or not to be"

There is something wrong, somewhere,

Either with you or with me.

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palewingedpoetess's picture

just going through the motions eh of a bad marriage trying to survive it? I know the feelings well, but never could have written them out on page so clearly read as painful. It takes such talent to so adequately express pain in such a beautiful way and mine the agony and unearth poetic gold and your friends wonder why I find you such a beautifully haunted man. Tell me, are they all idiots?
again you know who.... so why type it? lol