Two Lives One Night

I'd hate to be your one minute too late
Your night-time fears, the one you turn out to hate

I know you weren't kidding when you said you might die
I knew you were hurting so I fed you white lies

We drove through the night, seconds ticking away
In the knowledge that her last breath might be taken today

Even though I know she's hurt you more than you let on
I know she's keeping you alive, you'll die if she's gone

You can't talk cuz you're sobbing, thank god this van's loud
Tears drip from your stubble like your chin is a cloud

We're finally there and you jump out the door
Why doesn't she know you couldn't love her more?

She's staring from inside while you wait on the porch
Glaring at younlike you're a mob man with a torch

Finally you ask, "Are you gonna let me in or not?"
She leaves with the door open, leaving you to rot

Her parents aren't happy, they say you should've called first
Little do they know that your chest is about to burst

You manage to hold yourself together, ask if you two can be alone
They exchange worried looks then shake their heads with a no

So you sit her down on the couch and take her hand in yours
Talk to her quietly behind naught a closed door

You keep asking why and she says it's too much
She says younneed to forget her, that she is your crutch

You show her the ring hanging on a string around your neck
The one she had them write forever on, she doesn't even check

She looks at the ound and pulls her hand away
Asks again for you to go, you beg her to stay

You tell her you love her like nobody else
Gently talk eith her til her heart starts to melt

Finally she assures you she won't take her own life
But you wish you could help her forget all her strife

You say, "Let me help you." She reluctantly smiles
You hope it wasn't pointless to come all these miles

You put her hands on her shoulders and tell her to look you in the eye
"One more chance, tell me to leave and this can be our last goodbye"

She pulls you into her arms, her eyes filled with tears
She wants you to stay for so many more years

There are tears on her cheeks but as she pulls away she's smiling
Then she tells you she loves you, her voice high and beguiling

You give her a tight squeeze before it's time to go
Telling yourself things you hope she already knows

Now back in the van, you sit calmly beside me
Really, I'm happy, but you don't see what I see

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Seraphim's picture

Very well written. It's the

Very well written. It's the touch of a master when the reader is placed completely into the situation, and is relate-able. Keep writing. Your Friend, ~Seraphim~

Post Tenebras Spero Lucem