The Answer?

Childish, I Know

Death. A secret held by those without tongue,

an escape kept for those who simply don't belong.

Life. Given to the living like an unexpected gift,

the answer hidden beneath a stone you cannot lift.

Choice. Decisions must be made right now for better or for worse,

you alone must make them, with not a moment to rehearse.

Love. With no definition, do you believe this can be real?

well ask your heart and vote my friend and with a loving kiss please seal.

Hope. Your motivation your one true guiding light,

do you give it up so easily, or fight for it with all your might.

There is no set line, there is no right or wrong, in life there is no one who can tell if you belong,

you go from place to place like a man who has no sight,

no sense of touch, no smell, no taste, no guide towards the light.

But in this bleak and tragic world there is comfort to be found,

for people cannot lose their way when they are buried underground.

Death is our one constant, it waits for everyone,

and the dead they ask no questions, their will for life is gone.

No answers here are needed and chaos does not reign,

death is simple, peaceful and completely void of pain.

So why do the living struggle and strive each day,

when the answer is to simply take that life away.

Could it be that no-one knows, no-one living beneath this sky,

the answer must be in death my friend and with this thought I die.

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Michelle Alfieri's picture

O WOW!! I can't believe how good this is! (no affence). I nearly cried, its got so much emotion in it. i love it! and it rymthes as well, its like magic! i can imagine in the future kids aving ur poems to write bout in their GCSE's!
Wub, Shell

Tony Record's picture

this is great too. it flows really well great rhyming and very deep. ive always known you're a deep person and this proves it. i look forward to readin some more of your stuff when you post it. see ya soon. tony

Ben McNicholas's picture

Wow! Did you write that??? Thats ace.

Clever hover!

Like tony said its a real deep poem and does kinda open your eyes. For a brief moment it made me feel stupid like we'd all been missing something.

Congrats mate, Keep up the good work.

Ben McNicholas