

What gives you the right,

To treat me like this?

All I want is a chance,

And yet you resist,

You won’t even listen,

When I try to explain,

How I feel about this,

It brings so much pain,

All the kindness I’ve given,

Everything that you’re said,

All that I’m thinking,

Explodes in my head,

You must think I don’t matter,

You have no regard,

For my thoughts and feelings,

This is all so hard,

I’ve tried to explain,

Tried to make you see,

How sorry I am,

And how much I need,

You friendship and laughter,

You voice and your smile,

But I don’t get that now,

I’m in your exile,

I can’t believe this is happening,

Our friendship is gone,

I don’t really know,

How I’ll carry on,

Then again, we never had one,

And I don’t think we will,

But whatever we had,

Brought such a thrill,

I don’t know what to do,

I don’t know what to say,

I just wish we could find,

Some possible way,

To work this all out,

Just try to be friends,

Maybe we could solve this,

But it all depends,

Our your willingness to try,

Your perseverance to stay,

And maybe somehow,

We could do away,

With all of this sadness,

All of this pain,

But most of all: the confusion,

And our friendship will gain,

A strength like no other,

Understanding so deep,

A bond that remains,

Even when we sleep,

That is how,

I wish we could be,

It is just a dream,

But maybe you’ll see,

What you mean to me,

How I’m willing to try,

To start it all over,

And not ask why,

You rejected me,

Tried to block me out,

I don’t know,

What that was about,

I mean to apologize,

Do you even care?

How sorry I am,

How I wish I were there,

To talk to you,

To tell you I’m here,

If you ever need me,

But sometimes I fear,

That if we did find a way,

To fix our friendship,

You’d try again,

To make a slip,

Away from me,

Out of my life,

And doing that,

Would cause so much strife,

I love you so much,

I can’t lose you again,

Because if I did,

It means you would win,

This game you play,

Is a dangerous one,

Hearts get broken,

And it isn’t much fun,

It’s all over now,

But I hope that someday,

You’ll understand this all,

And forgive what I say.

~ Dedicated to Tony Hinds

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Same thing happened to my friend, whom I though was my true friend...