Still Alive


Well, I couldn't sleep last night,

The music didn't make it better,

Every song reminds me why I'm depressed,

Nothing but you seems to matter.

You said to pre-occupy myself,

But you don't know what's on my mind,

I can't drown out the memories of you,

Can't distract myself, believe me, I've tried.

My head is filled with thoughts of you,

My love for you is still alive,

It was just a little while ago,

When I realized it never died.

I try to tell myself to forget about you,

You'll never again return what I feel,

But you have to see that my love remains,

Any fool can see what i'm trying to conceal.

When you told me it was over I was strong,

I put myself in your place,

I knew your love for me was over,

It was something I just had to face.

My feelings don't seem to be changing,

Even though I know yours did,

I still long for my dreams to come true,

A life with you, a love that's solid.

I know you're only kidding about the things you say,

But in my heart it really hurts,

Loving someone and not having them love you back,

I've never experienced anything worse.

I want to run away from this, these feelings,

They're so strong, they just won't leave,

The reality sank in long ago, I can't have you,

Why won't the pain just leave me be?

-for Christian-

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