Can You Hear Them?

Can You Hear Them?
My journey begins in peace, fading out of my reality at a quickening pace. I eased myself gently into the embrace of my euphoria, gladly accepting its bliss. Shadows were obliterated by my internal light, the light of existence I suppose. Possibly even the light of consciousness, though I cannot describe its light effectively. With continuous complacency, I follow the tunnel of glistening rays. Not even sure of my own safety, I throw myself willingly into the abyss. Though unexpected, the journey is welcome and humbles me. Shaking with excitement, fear, nausea, pain, and pure happiness, I wait silently. No death leads to no life, and vice versa. Who is there? I hear voices calling me, I hear them definitely. What are they saying? Nothing? Or are they warning me of my journey’s end. Regardless of my fear I push on, trudging and wading through the ever thickening flow of blood my feet are submerged in. But there is no blood; it is only in my mind. I am the creator of my journey, whether I choose to know it or not is my choice. Continuing down the corridor, I hear them again. Only this time they were more definite, clearer, and more intentional. ”Feed me”, they said. I was stunned by their forcefulness, oblivious of my own thought reaching out towards them. Who were they? My conscious thoughts? Or were they something much more sinister. I wade through the blood, as if it were molasses trying to keep me immobile. Upon reaching the end of the tunnel I see creatures. Not your normal creatures associated with our reality, our own humane dimension. No, these were frightening creatures, whose very existence caused me to question my reality. Glowing with a dark aura, illuminated only by their pure, sparkling white eyes, which were as piercing as a sun ray through glass. They had me stuck, scared of who or what they were. My demons? Or my evil intentions? I couldn’t figure out what they were. They searched me by sight, gazing into my eyes, and the doorway to the soul. Reaching into my depths they brought forth something which shouldn’t have been brought to light. A dark sphere, blood red intertwined with a black aura, sucking the very breathe out of me. I then knew my life was being taken from me, I knew it indefinitely. But the unexpected happened, or did I expect it all along? The sphere shrank in nature to a size comparable to a small fruit. The creatures said not a word, yet their intentions were somehow clear to me. “Eat it”, I heard. So I did, willingly and unwillingly. The sphere tasted of my own blood, my own feelings, and my own life. Its potency swept over me, nearly crushing me with its intensity. I faded from conscious thought, forever it seemed, never ending. But then, a light appeared as if out of space and time, gathering power from everything the light touched. I have a purpose, the sphere was my existence and I now understood it. With a blank expression I rose to my feet, thoughtless but thoughtful at the same time. The creatures had vanished, but had left one sign of their appearance. A small voice in my head was chanting, louder, louder, and louder, until my mind couldn’t handle it anymore. Then I was there, sitting in my chair, alone and changed forever. I had fought my inner demons and I assumed I have won the battle. But the war is not over, it seems.