I Dare To Say

In oblivion I thought to myself

How long must I endure?

What more is there to persue?

I'm feeling undeniable mentally

In descretion I belived

I could ignore your harsh ultimatums

cast aside your false concerns and

your judgemental skepticisms

I dare to say it isn't fair

I dare to say you lied

white and blue as the skies

Oh.....you know you lied

You screwed the lid on my vulnerabilities

knowing my heart's susceptibility

you only love me with remorse and hostility

My affirmation slightly chips the tip of your pride

I'm a carousel to your paranoia


I dare to say I love you honestly

I dare to say goodbye

Love won't let me leave

I even dare to say I'll try

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I believe in forgiveness and second chances

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M A U I's picture

it has a lot of intensity that's why i like it. ^__^