Jacenta Aibangbee

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Irvington New Jersey

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Reading un-trashy literture, on history, biographies, medical journals and periodicals, writing poetry, lyrics, producing music, spending time with my family, quiet meditation, listening to goespel and classical music.

I am on the verge of becoming the next African American Physician to win the nobel prize in medicine. You must have thought I was going to say literature, correct? wrong... I'm a visionary with a vision. That vision extends wide as the greatest rivers. I believe in versitility. I respect expression and style. I also believe that everyone are unique in their own way. I hope to one day be an inspiration not just through my writing but through my life experiences. My dream is to create a cure for every manner of diseases that are killing our black race and testify on my experiences through music and medical journalism because music revives the soul and writing leaves the legacy for future generations.

About My Navel

What used to be steel with a ball of agony
Nine months of undeliberated touch
Don't touch
A slow whisper
Hidden kisses
Delicate to touch
Oh don't touch
A steel ball on a ring
Between silken skin
Anatomically divided by a woman's mystery
Never knowing after many babies
It would leave a scar
Much cuter than stretch marks
One touch
enwrapped in a ball and a steel ring.


Member for
19 years 13 weeks