2004-03-16 Forever on That Flame

Book: Castle View

Are you still in love,

He might ask me.
What do you think?
I return the question. 

And then I affirm

With a nod,
Of course I am,
But it no longer exists.


I look back
Through my tears,
And my words,
And I see what it was,
And could have been.


I was willing to burn

On that flame.

But you were not.

I was wiling to cool
But you were not.
I was willing to morph
To burn on that flame.
But you were not.



Your core

And your care,


I was willing to burn
On that flame
But you were not
I was wiling to cool
But you were not
I was willing to morph
To burn on that flame

So you may ask me

Are you still in love
And I have to think
And consider the question
And I affirm
With a nod
And the knowledge
It no longer exists.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The thing we had can never end but it can also not exist any more...We are not replaceable with interchanging parts...maybe unfortuante stations or just chapters in lives to be savored and reread or boxed up and ignored, your choice.  I chose to place this one on its own shelf and to never allow it to fade just enhance the rest of my life. The key word here is morph...I was willing but he knew I wasnt happy Sweet Talker was the beginning This is the ending.              The book is shut.

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George Campos's picture

This is the ending. The book is shut.

The end of what might have been a flaming hot story??

Lauren G's picture

I got you critique and I thought Id return the favor. I will keep reading your work because this one really caught me. Its absolutly great.