The Courtesy of a Blinker



The courtesy of a blinker

Could profoundly affect
The courtesy of a turn signal
Could change the course
Of all mankind
If we show each other
Showed each other
Which way we mean to go
It could trickle down
To our children
Or up
To our heads of state...
The courtesy of a blinker
Could change the course of humanity
A tilt of the hat
A how do you do
Could make the world
It could trickle down
To our children
Or up
To our heads of state...


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David Richardson's picture

This is truly something that has disappeared in our society today:courtesy and manners.There is no more"how are you" or "Thank you" just sour faces that do the minimum for you wherever you go or venture.This is a very sore subject for me that irkes me to no end. If people are rude and crude to each other,what can we expect from future generations. This poem is beautifully written and sooooo to the point. Thank you Deborah for writing this-for putting your so true thoughts in poetic phrases.Please take care and have a very beautiful and safe holiday season.

Dave Richardson