2002-12-31 Settle for the Moon

Book: Castle View


Can't have the sun in the morning
Can I have you
Can't have the moon at night
Can I have you


Is it a concept,
Considering the harsh realities,
Of settling,
Of stabilizing.
If you can't have what you want
Do you settle?

If you can't find what you need

Do you adjust?


Don't want to look in your baby's eyes
And see the fires of the sun
The far away look
Shows the mountains on the moon.


She's there
And not there
He's holding you
But letting you fall.


Can't have the sun in the morning
Can't have the moon at night
So you look across the plains of earth
And see...


Author's Notes/Comments: 

How he could ever think I was settling.  He is the sun and the moon.

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