Coffeehouse April 14 2023

There was a kiss in the rain.

Two umbrellas overlapping

At different heights,

A canopy of color

In the grey and moist daylight.


Ankles wet, I slide into your kiss.

I fit under your arm

In the sideways kiss of good-bye,

Leave taking, see you soon,

One foot going, the other wishing to stay.


Warm and flush from your embrace,

I breathed in the stillness of the moment,

A heart-opening

A heart-filling

A heart-stopping 





There, in that moment,

Where two umbrellas overlapped,

The world disappeared,

And there, was 

A kiss.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Another live reading event. I changed rainy kisses a bit 

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S74rw4rd123d's picture

I have been reading poetry

I have been reading poetry for fifty years as of this month.  That first stanza is one of the most beautiful descriptioms I have ever encountered in all those years of reading.  I congratulate you on this magnificent poem!!!

Starwardized [fka Starward]

djtj's picture

Thank you


Thank you. I have been rewriting this one for decades, but the first stanza has usually stayed the same. I think I used a calliope of color first draft instead of canopy because I wanted to portray a wild colorful ceiling over their heads. But I got called out fir mixing metaphors or something. Plus I would mispronunciate calliope lol 
It means a lot that you read and comment. 

S74rw4rd123d's picture

Using calliope in regard to

Using calliope in regard to the colors seems, to me, a perfectly acceptable metaphor, and I am sorry if some narrow minded person criticized your use of it.  But, nevertheless, the poem is very beautiful.

Starwardized [fka Starward]