Ah what a dumb head
Tracks of my fingers on forehead
It happens.
It’s no big thing
Thank heavens
Safely see the speeding car
That’s a big thing
Forget to check the date
Not a big thing
Ah what a dumb head
Curled fist on temples
It travails
It’s doesn’t matter
Thank gawd
See the stalled car in the middle lane
That’s a major event
Think you told them the right time
But didn’t
Not so big.
But not so big
Ah, what a dumb head
Beat yourself up
Each time you faux pas
Each time your emotions
Say what you don’t intend
Each time the churn in your gut
Tells you shut the f up
You pull some more hairs
And no one even notices
But you
You dumb head.
think deeply
The stalled car in the middle lane, is often ourselves. But we don't have to remain there. We need only start the engine again, and get moving on our chosen path. No need to beat yourself up over a stalled engine. But more importantly, you must know your chosen path. Otherwise an engine is useless.