Can You Come See Me


Can you come see me,

Come be by my side,

gaze at the seashore, relax

on the dunes.

Her trembling voice 

steadys as it raises

Into the question.

Can you come see me,


Among the branches of Autumn,

High in a mountain,

twistings and turnings.

She steadys her voice and

Trembles inside.

Can you see me when pine winds

blow through decor,

Twinkling and cascading in electrified


Her voice a faint hollow

and a slight hesitation.

How about now? Crocus

bloom, and the coccoons are 

weaving their magic on

landscapes, damp with dew.

Can you please come and see me?

Can you come  see me soon

I'm waiting waiting here

waiting here still.



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the sadness reaches out and grabs me



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I see you, Poem, with unrivaled language to beautify.

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Jesus loves us, stoned or not