They fought.
Everyone fights.
They crashed about
Like Virginia Wolf,
And the frightening thing,
There were no questions asked,
No thought,
Is this what all families
The loud conversations,
The tears and hunched shoulders.
But they loved each other
As loudly as they fought.
From what I understood,
As a grown child stood
Can’t wait till you leave,
I can chase your mother
Around the couch.
There was always one couch
Not placed against a
In the many living rooms
Where we did live.
Eleven by my count
Many more by their.
That I thought this was
Everyone’s life.
Fight, drink, move.
So I married and fought and drank and moved.
Until I could move no more.
And saw no that is not love
Not how you were to live, or love.
They fought like Virginia Woolf
But loved like
Nobody’s tomorrow