Fair day came, she was all a flitter,
A day in the sun with just her mother.
Her chairot a stoller, umbrella and cramped,
Restrained and buckled, hunched, now encamped.
In transport too small
For her body too tall,
They saw the balloons
In the air they would zoom.
"Oh, look another one gone up to the sky!"
"Oh, the waste of the money, oh the waste of a five."
"I want one, Mommy, I want one of my own."
"I'll get you one daughter, when we have to go home."
So the money was spent on games of chance
Winning a few, losing the cash.
She rode small rides, Mommy's face flashing by
Yet, in her mind the balloon and how it would fly.
So as they day began to sate
And they made their way to the gate,
Mommy bought the balloon, purple colored and big
Placing the precious string in the palm of her kid
As her little hand reach for the sky to let it go
Mommy clamped her big paw down and startled with a no!
"You can let it go at the house but not at the fair.
"Five dollars aren't meant for a brief little affair"
So. the wailing began and ceased to desist
Until the van brought them home at the mommy's insist,
Inside the abode on that hot autumn day
The little girl wiped her tears away
Letting go finally, sailing the balloon to the ceiling
It hit and it bounces gaily in a loud latex killing.
Her Mommy stood aghast at the plight of the balloon
And took up the wail for the waste of a sou
And she held her daughter close
and asked her to forgive her
For not letting her toddler's whim
Become a greater moment.
To watch the balloon fly off to the heavens
Is something they wont have, wont have that five minutes
Oh, letting it go, letting life take you there
Letting everything go in the the flight of a balloon.