Clients of Autumn

365 Day Challenge


Clients of Autumn

Always wear a condom

In case they wanted to sodom

Her nicely rounded bottom


Clients of buxomous Autumn

Were required to wear a condom

To sodom they must

Ignoring her bust

Poking her nicely round bottom

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The word was Autumn and the director said bottom. After the read, he says, "Your mind is a bad neighborhood."


Okay who can make a limerrick out of this?

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Your Mind


Your mind is a neat naughty neighbor

Always waving a hard wicked saber.

When pulled from its sheath

its soon covered beneath

a product of love and hard labor.








djtj's picture


I was thinking I wanted Autumn to be a limerick but my bad neighborhood works as well.


Clients of buxomous Autumn

Were required to wear a condom

To sodom they must

Ignoring her bust

Poking her nicely round bottom