He called Her Subordinate #224 Challenge

365 Day Challenge

She stalked him at his home.

She followed his trail

And fornicated in his garden

Of bergamot and orpiment.

With her fantasies and powders,

Arsenic rings in terraced pots,

She circinate the armaments of her war.

He called her unworthy,

Unworthy of his love.

She would show him her worth

As she pleasured herself.

She would never be subordinate

To his wishes, copulating in corners

And secret places,

While he lives in the walled garden

With a life and termagant wife.

She poisons the berries,

And smiles in her terror,

As she corposants her peak

Ionizing her lover's deceit.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Subordinate is the word. I used Rhyme Zone and added to my challege to use the words found there.  Wanted them to be ryhming but that didnt work out.  Not autobiographical. I swear Unless you count google as stalking.

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ashes_theartofburning's picture


word weaving here, ... like "copulating" for example *giggle*


"We are, Each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." -Luciano De Crescenzo

djtj's picture

Bendy rules

Thanks surprised no one calls me out on my missuse of some of these words. lol copulating great word. I don't know anyone would have Orpiment in their garden.  It is a beautiful yellow ore of arsenic, but it matches the yelloe Bergmot fruit.  Or corposant is not a verb but I used as one. I wanted her climax to be electrically charged and capable of ionizing the area.  Glad you liked it.