Letting go.
Easy to do when something is done
Letting it go
When its found it finale
But letting it go
Doesnt make it end
Letting it go
Doesn't make us friends
Letting it go
Letting go
Let go
Blows up like air bombs from fingertips
In a let go gesture
Of fuck off.
painted nails to thumb
flick em off
like 4 fingers of boogers
to the rug
Let go
The anthem of man
In the wiggle out of affairs
Its over
Lover when the L in the word
some changes
I changed buggers in like 4 fingers of buggers to the rug to booger. I meant boogers like trying to flick em off your finger and wrote buggers. Though, that would work in a more qrotesques way. A four fingered bugger would be most...disgusting, and revengeful, but not the image i had in my head.