Took all day

I knew you would be sitting there
Because its what you've seen in the movies
And that suits you down to the ground
To never come to your own conclusions.
No, you let them come to you
When you didn't come to mine
And I'm sure you'll go to his
When you can't make up your mind.

Surrounded by the parks noise,
Just ducks and kids on swings
When you decided that you were right
And removed the crown I had kinged.
You say it took you all day
Well I'm telling you it took me a few
To find the courage to say
That I could love someone new.

Its a lie, of course, I loved you.
But believe me when I tell you I don't.
I'll tear myself away once black and blue
But I know that you hope I wont.
To lose out and be the better man
Try landing that one with an ounce of grace
But I guess I'll do all I can
To keep up with my own pace.

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running_with_rabbits's picture

man the first 8 lines BOOM

man the first 8 lines BOOM bomb in my brain! Loved them!
I love the way you word your feelings
but I am sad you are feeling these feelings :(

Much Love


allets's picture

~~~to keep up with my own

~~~to keep up with my own pace~~~humph! You got me...the wit, the twisted ending, who is loving whom? I love me, family...I will never be in love again - too much work - be well, allets