His dream lives on and his children are real

Welcome to a time in our lives

When we don't know why we've survived.

The only thing we can't outlive,

Are the lies we left by his side.

Spare a thought for the man who's just died,

And we were last seen at his crime,

With a knife that dripped

With the bone of his spine,

And the trust he placed in us,

Took his head, his heart and his guts.

See them plastered on the back of our minds,

For when times tide turns and we hide,

In the shaddow of a familiar friend

Who will always be waiting until the end.

When he's been lost to the ground,

Our silly ways will always make him proud

Because when we rise and fall,

He's seen this before and he's spoke of it all.

The demanded shoulder he spares

For anyone who understands his dispair

That he had to lay down his life,

So we might grab the love he lost to lifes bite.

So while the world outside seems fine,

When the grass is green and we realise his dream,

Remember that he's still living ours,

His nightmare that lurches and devours

Every waking hour.

While we feed on him, he stretches out even more,

So that we can feast, and feel assured that

Everything isn't okay,

But it's better off that way.

View dizzylemons's Full Portfolio
running_with_rabbits's picture

I love the lines

"Welcome to a time in our lives
When we don't know why we've survived.
The only thing we can't outlive,
Are the lies we left by his side."

I am at this time in my life, I have been for years, I wonder when it ends

it's always ncie to stop by your page :)

much love

Much Love


Nicole.J.Burgess's picture

This was a poem I really enjoyed reading, i've not seen this style for awhile, its refreashing. I particularly liked this part:

"When the grass is green and we realise his dream,
Remember that he's still living ours,
His nightmare that lurches and devours
Every waking hour."

