Under the bridge

The cheapest ones are so much sweeter,

When you're lying sound asleep there.

And I wouldn't dream of asking,

When I know that you're relaxing.

And I never stopped to think I

Should give thanks to be alive

So don't waste your time,

God knows I wont waste mine.

So take my word for it, and tag along,

You’ll see nothing special but prove me wrong.

Time will never tell or reveal,

What I think and what I feel.

Some would ask me why I need some time,

When they know from experience everything is fine.

I'll keep you by my side,

We'll live forever and never die.

We wont care that we scream,

Just because we know they're listening,

So take my word for it, and tag along,

You’ll see nothing special but prove me wrong.

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running_with_rabbits's picture

:) it's always such a pleasure to read your work!

much love

Much Love
