
In this vast state of euphoria

My mind can focus only on one thing

Or maybe it would be better described as a being

I can see that everyone is moving around me

And my eyes are drawn to the other room

Something in it sparks a memory

My attention is concentrated on what I can see

And my vision includes you and me

I remember that night

When you planned on saying Goodbye

And we had one last entwined moment

It was sad, yes

But it had to be said

And we had to go our seperate ways

But when you went home all I could hear was screaming

And so I rushed to your room and pounded on the door

But you wouldn't let me in anymore

"I loved you, I only loved you."

I can hear you screaming over the music

But I don't love you anymore

And there are no feelings left for me to exhibit

Because my heart is cold and numb dear

I hope you could only understand

Yet you opened your door

And opened your arms

And I found myself lying on your bed

Whispering sweet nothings into your head

Isn't this the mans job?

Or am I too jaded to feel

I cradled you to sleep and left before the morning came

That's how we parted

And that's how we stayed

Me, always re-assuring you and coming to the rescue

And you just slipping away

I'm sorry that it had to end this way.

And later that night when I was sleeping on someone's floor

I'm not sure whom's but I know it was someone's

My eyes clouded over and

I held back a tear

I wanted to cry and I wanted to run away

I just wanted to go back to that day

And take back every wrong thing that I said

But you can't change the past

It's already said and done

This will be one of my largest regrets

But the coldness says that it's glad everything happened.

And I guess deep down I agree.

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David Walkah's picture

:( Eeeeevvvvveeeee. Stop writing sad stufffff.

Simon Small's picture

i love this poem :) well done its a gooden