My Lies

It seems so perfect through someone else’s eyes,

What they hear, what they see, would they believe its lies?

The smile on my face, the happiness in my laugh,

They know my life’s story!  Hmm…they don’t even know half.

They shout out my name whenever I am around;

Look who is here, now we’ll have some fun!

“Fun”, I wonder, what does it really mean?

Having some beers pretending to be part of the team?

Uncle! Uncle! They shout out with glee,

Uncle is home; Mama Come you’ll see!

The love in their eyes, the honesty on their face

Kisses and kisses and a warm embrace

The thought of reality like thunder rumbles on

The love I just felt…Damn it is gone

If they could understand what I dear not show

I still wouldn’t…They should never know.

The glow on their face it shines so bright

A smile that whispers; Will you be here tonight?

The change in their voice when it is me on the line

Pretending to be happy, saying I am just fine

The heartache that lingers is not what they hear

Nor the loneliness I feel even when they are near

As I wake up in the morning with them by my side

I pray for an end to this rollercoaster ride

An end will come some day soon I hope

When the lies are no more and I’ll be able to cope

When my heart won’t hurt and my smile will be sincere

And I could share my love to all those who care

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dime's picture

thanks glad u like it, this was written a while ago but today its still the same.  Am just glad my words have touch the life of someone else, hope you enjoy some more of my words

nightlight1220's picture

This was very touching. Took

This was very touching. Took me back to being a kid...and not knowing until I got older, the many worries of my parents, and yet they always had a smile to give in some of the hardest times. Really very touching for me.

I enjoyed it totally.


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


facethetruth2b's picture

It is very Open,

The way you put your feelings down on paper , it is so easy to wear a fake smile to let others unawear how you truly feel . Hideing behind a fake smile , fake happiness that no one sees . Keep your writtings true to yourself to let your feelings out on paper it is easier than said outloud .....

you laugh at me because I am differant, I laugh at you because You are all the same ...(KoRn) J.D......

dime's picture


Thanks, it been a while since I been on this grateful for your comment though, I try my best...haven't written anything in a while cause I didn't have any motivation but recent changes in my life will allow to have emotions I need to put on paper.

Terry Montero's picture

we are suppose to make times like these make who we really are show, for smiles from our love ones is the most treasured and presious things in life, they are the ones who love us for who we really are, there is no need to pretend when they are around...i feel you