Bitter Alcohol

I’ll take my alcohol bitter tonight.
Because it matches my mood,
Something sweet wouldn’t feel right.
I’m not much for company now.

Outside I feel home in the cold,
Staring at constellations above.
Their stories are sad and old
And that is a comforting thought.

If I were to see a shooting star, 
I wouldn’t wish anything upon it.
Wishes don’t carry you that far.
Things are never fixed that easily.

In this world too much is gray.
 There’s not enough black and white,
It's never simple finding your way
And if you do, how do you really know?

I’m filled with fear and fraught,
Everything about me is boundless. 
Pondering this I take another shot.
I need something a bit more bitter.

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ReilaMorello's picture


I'll take my alcohol strong tonight

For that is what we are. 

My weakness is my guiding light

And you, my shooting star.


Stars glimmer high above

While I stand here with you. 

Years apart both stand

Between a vast array of blue.


Were I to see you from afar

Know that to you I would run, 

To hug you and take you by the hand,

Walking towards the setting sun.


When the world seems to be too much,

Too horrible to bear alone, 

Know that we aren't far apart, 

Under the stars, we are home. 


Diamond_Wills_New_War's picture

That was bloody awesome!

That was bloody awesome! Loved this. Hope you're doing well.

Long days and pleasant nights
