I am everything, I am nothing
The fear that makes your hair stand on edge
The courage that leads you into battle
The deepest despair in your heart
The greatest joy in your soul
I will kill all, I will save all
Those you love, those you hate
Those ahead, those behind
I am the day, I am the night
I am the oldest father, I am the youngest child
I hold the earth in one hand the sea with the other
And now I hold you
the fifth elements!
learn to hold water and Ether at the same time;-)
NETI/ margot:herve
Visual poet/ Libertine lost in a labyrinth of complexities, methaphors, searching for the essence/ Ink of life/ death to spell my syphilistic words on the page/ screen.
Emphatic !!!!!! Dear Mr Sparkling Diamond
Emphatic !!!!!! Dear Mr Sparkling Diamond
Indeed it is a great one.
Indeed it is a great one. Loved it, Diamond!
Copyright © JessterStarshine