My cat really is all that.

Some nights I’m just living for my cat
I’m that lonely.
I’ve suffered too many lonely nights,
Nights where I thought I’d lose it all.
Each time she was there.
Sometimes just watching,
Sometimes sticking close,
Or just available for me to scoop up.
I’m not saying with any amount of
Insincerity when I say my cat saved my life.
I got up and went to work today,
I worried about things big and small,
I’m writing right now
Because of that fur ball, I love my cat.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This hasn't been a recent occurrence I'd actually say that I'm doing a lot better these days, but I still really do love that cat.

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Co3ru135c3n7's picture

What a beautiful expression

What a beautiful expression and appreciation of a loyal animal's love.  

Coerulescent [fka Starward]

AdamKeithMcElwainPoetry's picture

This is a sad poem, but it

This is a sad poem, but it has a happy ending in a way. I love my cat as well. I really like the emotion in this. 

allets's picture

I Wish

I had a pet, poetry will have to serve, I guess :D



word_man's picture

a best friend

a best friend

ron parrish