Words are falling now like
Shooting stars, they fly by
Filling us with brief hope,
But only leave another
Night sky behind. Yet we
Continue to wish, continue
To listen, to hope on
Wonders short lived over
Matters we hold most dear.
Why do we place hope upon
Something that is falling?
And all the while we pass
By the things that don't
Gleam but are full of possibilities.
I love the metaphor with
I love the metaphor with which the first four lines begin, and then the swerve into the profound wisdom of the conclusion.
Coerulescent [fka Starward]
Thank you, I really
Thank you, I really appreciate your kind words.
Long days and pleasant nights
This poem is very, very
This poem is very, very profound.
Coerulescent [fka Starward]
Roads Not Taken
"...hope upon/Something that is falling..." - nice. An acknowledgment of potential, nicer. ~(:D)-