and as the world seemed to crash down around me i stopped caring.. walked thru the streets of the city.. a warm breeze blowing bits and peices of it around..
and it was as if the frame on a television screen had frozen in place.. their words and actions echoed out of some strange movi script.. i stepped thru their awkward sloooooow movements..
i jumped and screamed and shouted in vain.. their actions were unphased.. i walked in circles around them as they took strides with the pace of a snail.. the slow steel trains of their words humongous steam engines i dashed to avoid..
and just yesterday it seems i was one of them.. and now i walk thru the slow molasses of their freeze frame.. trying not to attract their slow attention.. blinking in and out of their infrequent awareness..
at times u hear my voice and holler back.. ur voice a faint echo caught bouncing from the walls of this deserted city.. and i know that there is actually real life somewhere past their carboard scripted movements..
Fabulous! I like your works.
Fabulous! I like your works. How come you don't have a follow or friend button?
Copyright © JessterStarshine
Nevermind. I see it now. That
Nevermind. I see it now. That was weird.
Copyright © JessterStarshine