I wake up in my bed
a place where it seems made up my head
A place where I am accepted
and thought was not intercepted
Those who complain and shout are silent
Hesitate and think before breaking violent
and love is returned once more
Without an abrupt end, to come to a slammed door
Where we can all come together
Despite our difference and faulty weather
We can believe
That we don't have to be alone, we can acheive
Without getting attacked, tied down and hit
Forced and not to stand in freedom, but relentlessly sit
Where we can be working as a team
Doesn't this seem like a perfect dream?
Where I sleep, and say it's okay
To those who struggle within the night
To those who hide within the day
But the glass shatters once more
An undesirable light becomes shone
Breaking. Disturbing. Injuring.
My once calm world
My utopia
Is only a shadow
That mourns behind me of society's constant unrest and complain
and leaves my heart shaken and torn, and leaves an unwashable, unforgettable stain.
:) this is nice than a few i
:) this is nice than a few i read from your work...
And a class asignment....
You do well under pressures....
And either way
Its nicely written....