"Rainbow Chaser

Just a thought!


  "Rainbow Chaser"

Most of us spend a lifetime chasing rainbows,
with our head, high up in the clouds,
floating along on a wing and a prayer,
flying by the seat of our pants,
no direction to a destination unknown,
seeking answers to questions we can't
even fully comprehend.
In time, our compass goes haywire.

Rain begins to obstruct our view,
the heading we were on, no longer clear.
Hoping for a miracle, we stare into space,
waiting for the inevivitable.
Running on empty we spit and sputter,
suddenly, everything shuts down.
The only sound we hear is wind, whipping

through the lines on our face.
We take a downward spiral, disappearing into
the clouds.
The rain begins to lift, the sun peeks out.
Finally, we find ourselves resting under that

 rainbow we've been chasing.

by barry Anderson

Author's Notes/Comments: 

View deepinyourdreams's Full Portfolio
darkpool's picture

Nice metaphor

it was nice following your chase, nice to know we'll find the end of the rainbow.

bishu's picture

Excellent painting

Go on chasing your dreams.. One dat you'll catch up
