No one knows 7-10-05


Why the hell is no one listening

Can't you hear my screams

Why do you claim I am never there for you

When all I do is care

I always try to help everyone

Friend or enemy

Yet I am left in despair

No one seems to understand me

Everyone always gives up on me

I guess I see there point

What the fuck is the point

Of trying to help a helpless soul

Who can't even help himself

I don't deserve anyone

I don't deserve my own life

All I deserve is to sit in my room

Crying every fucking night

Oh wait that does happen

Every fucking night

Sit in my room and cry

Alone in the dark

Try to blast music

To drive out my sounds

Only to drown in my own tears

No one knows how I fucking feel

No one ever cares enough to drop everything

To drop everything and help me

They figure they can help me when they are ready

Not when I need it

Even though I help them every second

I'm sick of everyone shit

I'm falling with no one to catch me

No one cares if I live

People say they would die without me

Yet they have said that to others and live

After they have long passed away

I don't know what the fuck the point of this is

I just thought I'd let everyone know

That I am being tore apart inside

And I feel as if no one cares anymore

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This isn't to anyone specific, if I had to say this was to someone. I'd say it was to myself :'(

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thekoontz's picture

wow, that poem almost made me want to cry and you should know I cried when Simba died and that was it. I'm a heartless person yeah. Anyways, but to think of yourself that way isn't right, Nick. You were saying you don't deserve anything, when you are one of the nicest guys I know. You deserve the world, and I wish I could give it to you, but after looking at somethings on your page and another's, you already have someone to do that for you.

ValentineBuchannan's picture

Nick you know I care about you and i would call more often if i could ive been bussy latly but u should know my # if you need someone to talk to yah nick and trust me i understand how you feel your not the only one who ever feels like that....oh ...why did you slap paul afteryou found out we kissed..i thought it was probably funny ccg

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