A love story?

A frigid wind tears through these empty streets

No light of any kind to guide my way

Yesterday's Indian summer

Has given way to Puritan autumn

As I wander, coat pulled tightly

Shoulders hunched against the chill

That cuts to the bone with razor's edge

And saps my strength of will

My footsteps echo hollow

The only traveler this dark night

In the distance, a glow, that for lost warmth

Brighter than my dim recollection

Then, as in someone's dream, I find myself

Standing before this portal

A window, set in the fabrics of the past

Without a single step of mine to put me there

Through the glass pours light so pure

Even these eyes feel no pain

At least until the scene within

Truly registers on the screen of my mind

A room, much like any other

But what creates the light in it is you

And by strength, beget strength

Logarithmically entwined

Understand, this is not the past

But this and present combined

You stand alone in this room

But we belong together

This yearning so poignantly reinforced

Not that of jealous spiteful heart

For what we have is so rare

I reach out to you to touch your hand

I reach and I touch the glass

My fingertips breathe their sorrowful mark

As the gail begins to howl louder upon me

I wish you could just open the window

I am wanting so desperately to feel your warmth

That so far I only view

I rest my head upon the glass, seeking comfort

The chill is that of death's own hand

I would give my life to save what we have

And I feel through your happiness

To live through everything

Yet to only live through the view of this window

Until you see fit to let me in

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vipervenomnu's picture

This reminds me of a friend of mine who seemed to reveal everything to me but who in actuallity revealed nothing at all. LIke a wall that apears solid but when you touch it, it falls down.