Satanic Unholydays

Seasons In Hell

Seasons In Hell celebrations. Rite references from Dracomeroth unless otherwise noted. Ideally, all celebrations include cake & orgies!

Grande Celebrations & High UnHolydays for gatherings and High Sorcery.

  • I. NATIVITY: One's own Nativity celebration. {Rite of Nativity, Infernal Apotheosis} / Also includes days of observation towards notable & de-facto individuals demonstrating Satanic principles throughout history.
  • II. AUTUMN EQUINOX: Harvest Feastevil / Feast of The Beast {Hellemental Mass}
  • III. HELLOWEEN: Harvest Feastevil of The Beast / "Satan's Birthday" / Veneration of The Shadow / Infernal Communion / Necromancy {Hallow Rite}
  • IV. WINTER SOLSTICE: Season Lucifer. Satanalia, Yule Feastevil of Winter Demon KrampuSatan Claus {Hellemental Mass, Homage To Tchort [TSB]}; may range from Krampusnacht - Winter Solstice}
  • V. SPRING EQUINOX: Season Leviathan {Hellemental Mass}
  • VI. AESTASOLSTICE: Season Satan {Hellemental Mass}
  • VII. WALPURGISNACHT: Foundation of The Church of Satan. Forces of Darkness, Daemonic energy increases. {Walpurgisnacht Rite}


  • VIII. FRIDAY THE 13th: Medieval & blasphemous, sacrilegious themes. {L'Air Epais, The Satanic Bible} 13 Dracommendations | On Friday the 13th... | Mind Traps | 
  • IX. FULL, BLACK, BLOOD MOONS: Full moon or lust/love spells, Black moon for Hexes & Death Curses, Blood Moon for all + Infernal Apotheosis.
  • X. SOLAR / LUNAR ECLIPSES: All. Infernal Apotheosis. Particularly potent & psychodramatically stimulating. Potent Shadow energy to draw from to increase Magic.
  • XI. PLANETARY ALIGNMENTS: All. Infernal Apotheosis. Study particular Grimoire designations for specific daemons, sigilization, & purposes of empowerment & attainment. Potent energy to draw from to increase Magic.
  • XII. PERSONAL: Birthdays for loved ones, Weddings, Baptisms, Funerals {see Dracomeroth, The Satanic Rituals, Scriptures}, Accomplishments, secular holidays for relatives & selfish acquisition.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Seasons In Hell celebrations. Rite references from Dracomeroth unless otherwise noted. Ideally, all celebrations include cake & orgies!