My ode to Bill Gates

let me tell you about Bill Gates

i've looked into his soul

all I see is hate for the human race

and doing his best trying to throw

everybody under the bus you know

Foundationis a big shareholder of

big Pharma; just a zealot


he made his money selling cheap copies

Windows was always top money

but I could burn a DVD for 10p

obscene profits any day the week

and I think he knows that Vaccines too

can work in the same way as they do

and he bribes all media outs

WHO, GAVI and others no doubt

to try and vaccinate the world

but trust it will be unfurled

he won't succeed in his obscene plans

to modify the DNA of Man


he went away to Jesuit School

and nobody there is a fool

the Jesuits scum have always been

they're god-like play is just a screen

to hide their Satanic underbelly

they got the same paymasters

as your telly


funny how Bills doctor says

Bills family remain unvaccinated

yet he wants to vaccinate the world

alarm bells ringing yet? they should!

and when you look at he who he funds

he's got the world under his thumb

and it's chump change to him

all to perpetuate humanities suffering


can't wait to see him in the dock

together with the Satanic other lot

as the new age of Aquarius ushered in

an end to war pain and suffering

for all of humanity,

the covid scam is just insanity

convincing healthy people they are ill

and to take some magic pill

they been making for 12 years

Google the 92 patent coronovirus cure

cure them for something they haven't got

Bill your just a fucking zealot

fucking stupid to want that that lot


and you'll find out real soon,

penny will drop for all of you

that you've been scammed :true

and just maybe you'll lose

all that programmed hate for

all the unvaccinated who know this score

cos we're getting the blame for everything

when bill is the one doing the killing


super spreaders have had the vax

and that's the truth, I deal in fact

unlike all the media outs

together with Bill are devout

to the satanists that run our world

who have created a dream world

been programmed to believe is real

but soon this cancer be brought to heel

and then we can party on Wayne

without Vax passports, have a nice day

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Jesuit scum - I stopped reading at that point.