Hello stranger with the smiling eyes,
I've been missing you for a while.
We just met, but it's safe to bet
that I'm falling for your smile.
Sweet, loving thing, brave honesty.
I hope you're broken something like me.
Because the valleys of your fingers
are where mine would like to be.
My shoulder nook, opened like a book,
your head could rest for hours.
You'd be my month of May, if just you'd stay,
I'll be your April showers.
And I could never love my ways,
so you'll lose interest in rainy days.
But this broken sonnet is here to say,
I don't want to see you fade away.
Twisted Jealous.
"Because the valleys of your fingers are where mine would like to be."
Hold tight, and hold strong..
For I start to fade when the dawn touches me.
I evade sleep now, but it's clutches will soon overtake me.
So when I start to fall..
Seize me up with the strength of your valley.
Tug me ruthlessly..
For I just may not wake up.
Spontaneous inspiration.
Thanks for that.
"We are, Each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." -Luciano De Crescenzo