
The tears runs

down her face 

like a river.

"Why does it 

hurt so much?"

She has never 

felt this way


So much pain 

filled her heart.

She made a 

promise to her 

self not to

let anyone in

because she knew 

that once she 

lets someone in

that they would

hurt her.

She likes him

more than she

ever thought she


He opend up 

her heart and

brought light into

it but when 

he broke up

with her the 

light faded quick

like the sun

going into battle

with the moon

and lossing.


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Beatnik1979's picture


heart-felt. Love and loss there of can inspire some great poetry. Liking your use of metaphonr in the last few lines. Well done. What more do you have in store for us?