Interstellar Love

I looked up to the heavens dark

searching for the cosmic spark

we once witnessed on the night

it all felt so very right.


But the twinkling was deceiving

as bright lights so often are.

The flashing light we were perceiving

came from a spinning double star.


The flicker flared up every instant

one star eclipsed the other orb.

Light regularly intermittent

was emitted then absorbed.


In this fashion we revolved

around each other, ever nearer

until our friendship soon evolved 

into love sweeter and dearer.

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S74rw4rd's picture

This is utterly magnificent. 

This is utterly magnificent.  I look forward to reading more of your poems.


and_hera_met_zeus's picture


two stars dancing for eternity

Jesster's picture

Unable to sleep, I stepped

Unable to sleep, I stepped outside just moments ago and gazed upon a star twinkling in the way you here describe. Made this poem all the more lovely to read after being mesmerized.

Copyright © JessterStarshine